ICE: Some Recent Facts from the ADF
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (formerly Australian Drug Foundation) work with the Australian community to provide evidence-based information about alcohol and drug use. Recently, the ADF updated information about “ICE” (crystalline methamphetamine) and its impact across society.
- ICE is more available, cheaper and pure than ever before
- The price of ICE continues to decrease and supply sources increase
- 70% are occasional users
- More common user is aged 20 – 29 years
- General profile of the common user is already a drug user, unemployed, live in regional and remote areas, or member of LGBTQI communities
- The underlying causes for using ICE are not dissimilar to other social issues i.e. gambling and other additions
- Where ICE use occurs that is substantial impact upon the user and those around such as family and friends
The ADF has a number of online resources including announcements of community forums, teaching resources and guidance materials. It is another area that needs to be clearly understood by security leaders.
More information can be found online: http://www.adf.org.au/