News Article



ASIS Victoria Young Professionals Council

With the growing number of young professionals entering the security industry as a first career and to encourage new members to join ASIS International, the Victoria Australia Chapter is promoting its Young Professionals Council.

A young professional is typically defined as an ASIS member who is less than 40 years of age or who has spent fewer than five years in the security profession. The group encourages and welcomes the participation of security practitioners who have an interest in supporting the growth and advancement of young careerists, regardless of age or experience.

Our objectives include education, networking, and mentoring to form the core of the Council's activities, with a goal of developing confident and competent future security leaders.

Being part of ASIS International is an investment in professional development. Regardless of where you are in your career, membership offers many paths and opportunities to learn from and interact with colleagues in ways that will help you meet your professional goals.

In the coming months, we will be providing more information about this exciting group. We would appreciate your support to develop our future security leaders by discussing opportunities in ASIS and also sharing the attached flyer.

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